My angel of a representative showed up to register me (4 hours away) but couldn’t when she found out you had to have a photo ID; I didn’t see her text to try and send her a photo of my driver’s license while she was still there; is there still a 9 or 11 testing slot open for me M.F. aka CMITPW? see Facebook message please.
Wooo!! This kid is!! 🙂
I will be there all day. lol
Working man. Won’t be able to get there until 11. Hope there are still open spots!
My angel of a representative showed up to register me (4 hours away) but couldn’t when she found out you had to have a photo ID; I didn’t see her text to try and send her a photo of my driver’s license while she was still there; is there still a 9 or 11 testing slot open for me M.F. aka CMITPW? see Facebook message please.
Registered this morning for 9 am slot. Pleasure meeting you Mike. Looking forward to test!
Already did! We are still here registering for another hour. Stop by!