Recommended Reading

Mike Finley

Now What? (This book was created for that high school and college graduate heading out into the world.)

Financial Happine$$ (This book was created to help a person get started. A good first book when delving into the subject.)

What Color is the Sky (This book helps the individual understand the world of investing in simple to understand terminology.)

Graduation! (This book guides you with the transition from the world of work to the next phase of your life. Called retirement by many.)


Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez

Your Money or Your Life (This book WILL change your life if you are open to its message. One of my favorites.)


Eric Tyson

Personal Finance for Dummies (A good book to read after Financial Happine$$.)

Let’s Get Real About Money (This book takes you to that next step financially and psychologically. Read after his first book.)


Jane Bryant Quinn

Making the Most of Your Money (A book that covers everything you would like to know about money. This is a wonderful reference book.)

Smart and Simple Financial Strategies for Busy People (She helps busy people by telling them specifically what to do right now.)


Jonathan Clements

The Little Book of Main Street Money (A book written for the average person. Easy to read and easy to understand.)


Andrew Hallam

Millionaire Teacher, The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have learned in School (A teacher demonstrates how he became a millionaire!)


Burton Malkiel

A Random Walk Down Wall Street (A classic that provides insight into a world that can be mysterious to us all.)


John Bogle

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing (This is a great starter book on investing. I would trust John Bogle with my last dollar.)

Common Sense on Mutual Funds (This book will teach you all you need to know about mutual funds and investing in them. Not for beginners.)


Charles Ellis

Winning the Loser’s Game (Inform yourself about the investment business. There is a great deal of money at stake. YOUR money!)


William Bernstein

The Four Pillars of Investing (The finest book on investing I have ever read. Read this book once every year. Wisdom will follow!)

The Investors Manifesto (A great follow-up book to his previous books.)


Rick Ferri

The Power of Passive Investing (The evidence is in. Rick lays it out for you in a very clear and concise way. Passive investing is the answer.)

All About Asset Allocation (This book helps you understand how to divide up your money within different asset classes all over the world.)


Daniel R. Solin

The Smartest Investment Book You’ll Ever Read (Short, sweet and to the point.)

The Smartest Retirement Book You’ll Ever Read (The process of retirement can be found in this simple and straightforward book.)


Mike Piper

Investing Made Simple: Index Fund Investing and ETF Investing Explained in 100 Pages or Less (This does not have to be difficult.)


Jason Zweig

Your Money & Your Brain (Explains how our brain works to help or hurt us in making financial decisions. It may blow your mind!)


Thomas Stanley

The Millionaire Next Door (A wonderful book that helps us see who the real millionaires are.)

The Millionaire Mind (Thinking like a millionaire comes before becoming a millionaire.)

Stop Acting Rich (You can be rich or you can act rich. This book defines what habits place you in each group.)


Dave Ramsey

The Total Money Makeover (Dave explains why debt is your enemy and how you can kick it out of your life.)


Michael Mihalik

Debt is Slavery and 9 Other Things I Wish My Dad Had Taught Me About Money (Short, sweet, and to the point. It can be read in a day.)


Tim Kasser

The High Price of Materialism (You can’t afford it and Tim explains why.)


Martin Lindstrom

Brandwashed (Companies know you better than you know you!)


Keith Cameron Smith

The Top 10 Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class (Your thinking and your habits will define who you become.)


Trent Hamm

The Simple Dollar (A regular guy shares his story and explains how he changed his financial life.)


Andrew McLean and Gary Eldred

Investing in Real Estate (A how to manual that gets rid of the hype and replaces it with a common sense approach to investing in Real estate.)


Alan Gettis

The Happiness Solution (If you want to find happiness, this book will provide you with the path and the tools.)


David Myers

The Pursuit of Happiness (Understanding what happiness is helps us in finding our way.)


The Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler

The Art of Happiness (The journey is the reward.)