Life insurance agents will try and scare you into buying what you may not need. Only buy life insurance if you need it and someone relies on your income to live.
And if you do buy life insurance –buy term life insurance!
(2) Cash value policies like whole life, traditional life, variable life and the whole litany of annuities pay very high commissions.
(3) What do you think they are going to sell? The high commission products. It’s that simple.
(4) Only buy insurance when someone relies on you financially to live. If that is the case, buy term life either with an ART (annual renewable term) or a level policy like a 5 year or 10 year policy that keeps the premium the same over that time period.
(5) Go to or to buy your policies at a very low cost. In the meantime, stay away from life insurance agents!
Life insurance agents will try and scare you into buying what you may not need. Only buy life insurance if you need it and someone relies on your income to live.
And if you do buy life insurance –buy term life insurance!
Well said, Macala. Let’s review.
(1) Life insurance agents work off commissions.
(2) Cash value policies like whole life, traditional life, variable life and the whole litany of annuities pay very high commissions.
(3) What do you think they are going to sell? The high commission products. It’s that simple.
(4) Only buy insurance when someone relies on you financially to live. If that is the case, buy term life either with an ART (annual renewable term) or a level policy like a 5 year or 10 year policy that keeps the premium the same over that time period.
(5) Go to or to buy your policies at a very low cost. In the meantime, stay away from life insurance agents!