March 18, 2014

In my book, Financial Happine$$, I discuss the concept of “judgment day.” What is it and why should you do it?

3 thoughts on “March 18, 2014”

  1. Garrett Haag says:

    Its that you cant take all your stuff with you when you die, you leave all your nicknacks behind, only the impact you had on those around you are really left behind.

  2. Kat says:

    Judgment day is the day you take control of your money. You should take control of your money, because then you can free up more of your money so you can save/invest it. This will provide you with more security, as well as more freedom.

  3. Mike Finley says:

    Interesting takes on the concept of judgment day. Katherine provided an answer which was closer to my interpretation. Let’s review.

    Judgment day is the day where you review EVERYTHING in your life that deals with finances and I mean EVERYTHING. You go through your pay stub, your debt, your monthly expenses, your insurance, your spending, your investments, your budget, etc.

    Why? You are ready to take control of your money as you push waste out of your life. Less waste will increase your savings, which will increase your investments, which will ultimately, bring you more financial freedom. Believe it!

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