Some credit cards will cover the deductible on a rental car if you rent it under 15 days, it is one of the many benefits that a credit card can have that people do not know about.
The deductible on rental cars can run $2,000 to $3,000! That makes insurance a need, but not from the rental car company. They will gauge you severely if you choose to buy insurance from them when you arrive. Avoid that!
Many credit cards will cover the deductible on a car rental. The key is to identify what is covered and that should be done prior to showing up at the rental counter. Read your benefit brochure very carefully to make sure you don’t go outside any of the rules.
Just as Garrett stated, many car insurance policies will also cover you, but you MUST do your research prior to showing up at the car rental counter. Know your benefits!
Some credit cards will cover the deductible on a rental car if you rent it under 15 days, it is one of the many benefits that a credit card can have that people do not know about.
Some personal car insurance plans will also cover the deductible on a rental car, but look at your coverage first.
Right on target, Garrett. Let’s review.
The deductible on rental cars can run $2,000 to $3,000! That makes insurance a need, but not from the rental car company. They will gauge you severely if you choose to buy insurance from them when you arrive. Avoid that!
Many credit cards will cover the deductible on a car rental. The key is to identify what is covered and that should be done prior to showing up at the rental counter. Read your benefit brochure very carefully to make sure you don’t go outside any of the rules.
Just as Garrett stated, many car insurance policies will also cover you, but you MUST do your research prior to showing up at the car rental counter. Know your benefits!