Because you should always try to figure out just how much debt you are assuming with any purchase you make. Also, the ongoing costs of some items might actually exceed the purchase price of that item. A car is a good example of this. I think I spent more money on maintenance (fixing parts that go bad, gas, etc.) for my car than the actual purchase price when I bought it. Therefore, I ended up paying double what I originally thought I was going to for my vehicle.
With ANY purchase, consider how much that item is going to cost you on a yearly basis. There is a reason so many items are relatively cheap when first purchased. The business knows they will recoup the cost as you spend your hard earned money on the ongoing cost of maintaining that item. Pause before buying. There is more at stake than you might realize.
Wow, awesome blog sturrtcue! How long have you been blogging for? you make blogging look easy. The overall glance of your website is excellent, as neatly as the content!
Because you should always try to figure out just how much debt you are assuming with any purchase you make. Also, the ongoing costs of some items might actually exceed the purchase price of that item. A car is a good example of this. I think I spent more money on maintenance (fixing parts that go bad, gas, etc.) for my car than the actual purchase price when I bought it. Therefore, I ended up paying double what I originally thought I was going to for my vehicle.
Well said, Katherine. Let’s recap.
With ANY purchase, consider how much that item is going to cost you on a yearly basis. There is a reason so many items are relatively cheap when first purchased. The business knows they will recoup the cost as you spend your hard earned money on the ongoing cost of maintaining that item. Pause before buying. There is more at stake than you might realize.
Wow, awesome blog sturrtcue! How long have you been blogging for? you make blogging look easy. The overall glance of your website is excellent, as neatly as the content!
I’m impressed! You’ve managed the almost imsispoble.