The net worth statement shows you how you are doing financially. You do this by subtracting your liabilities from your assets. It is important to do this every year, so you can create reasonable short-term and long-term goals for yourself financially. Also, by doing a net worth statement every year, you can hold yourself accountable.
Outstanding, Katherine. You said it all. You can hit on the Net Worth tab to see further instructions as well as download a Net Worth Statement spreadsheet. Put your numbers in and start TODAY!
The net worth statement shows you how you are doing financially. You do this by subtracting your liabilities from your assets. It is important to do this every year, so you can create reasonable short-term and long-term goals for yourself financially. Also, by doing a net worth statement every year, you can hold yourself accountable.
Outstanding, Katherine. You said it all. You can hit on the Net Worth tab to see further instructions as well as download a Net Worth Statement spreadsheet. Put your numbers in and start TODAY!