No way! Your emergency savings should be kept in a low-risk account, like the Total Bond Market Index on Vanguard, that is very liquid. The stock market could take a turn for the worst at the same time you need your emergency fund, and then you’re screwed.
I liked your emphatic answer, Nate! You are right, my friend. No way do we place our emergency money into a volatile stock fund for the very reason you state. We could be screwed!
No way! Your emergency savings should be kept in a low-risk account, like the Total Bond Market Index on Vanguard, that is very liquid. The stock market could take a turn for the worst at the same time you need your emergency fund, and then you’re screwed.
I liked your emphatic answer, Nate! You are right, my friend. No way do we place our emergency money into a volatile stock fund for the very reason you state. We could be screwed!